Dear Nichelle Laray,
Sometimes I think im crazy or just losing my mind because you I can’t Figure out where my relationship is going. I’ve been dating the same person for one year. At times he says he wants to marry me then other times he ask completely satisfied to continue our relationship the way it is. I would love to be married and have children after all he should know if he wants to marry me. I want more out of this relationship what should I do?
Dear ms confused,
First of all breathe ….. 2nd of all it is very clear that at this time you know where your relationship is going. (It’s going nowhere right now) It seems as though different things are important to your boyfriend at the moment. Use this time to make a decision about what is important to you and what you want out of life, change the status of your relationship. Get a puppy or kitten he or she will be your best friend. Realize that your relationship is not as serious as you want it to be at this time. Use this as a teaching lesson and remember that you can not control another human being.
Don’t wait on him if he’s not able to commit be thankful you got this info before you Said I do! Give him a break it’s not his fault he’s confused or is he? Remember that you are the prize get it? Perfect yourself and don’t make him the focus. Use this time to enhance your life and get out and do something interesting. Don’t be that disappointed in the way your relationship is unfolding after all you might meet someone that is better suited for you. After all that’s how most love stories end right?